Hey all! Sorry, I don't really have a blog, blog for this week again. This week has been pretty crazy, I did get a lot done for 412nes today though. But now my brain is pretty fried and I don't have a subject to write about! But I worked on updating my linked in yesterday, today I updated my Shine Registry (which is a really cool site you should check out; that allows women to make a registry and list the things they need for their business, blogs, and other endeavors)!! If you are reading this you have already completed a few of the tasks that I have on my registry, so thank you very much!! Click HERE to see my new page added to 412nes site, and click the image below go goto my Shine Registry page!
If you need something else to look at, go check out DI RECORDS website and social media's!!
ALSO, PLEASE DO NOT, feel pressured to donate right now, it's just info to be on the site of later dates! For now, just stick around, keep reading and commenting and hopefully, I'll be able to get some videos up soon! Hard with everything being postponed. I love you all and hope you all are being safe and healthy!! Leave comments on how you are doing, and what you are doing to help you get through all the virus precautions! Also if there is any subject you want me to make a video or write up a blog about! I have one video announcement about a local music video coming out this week, and a few more announcements I'm hoping to make for you all soon!